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terry fancher

Webpage: http://www.terryfancher.com

Location: whitehouse, texas, usa

Description: Master Guitarist, Multi-Instrumentalist, Contemporary Christian, Smooth Jazz,

Ambient New Age


Terry Fancher was born October 4, 1957 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He grew up with much music around him. At the age of 5, he was given his first guitar, with it, a challenge, "Learn to play and we will buy you an amp." The challenge was taken. Early on intrigued by Don Rich of Buck Owens and the Buckaroos, Terry found his desire of guitar playing. In 1964, with the British Invasion, all switched for Terry with the Beatles being on Ed Sullivan, a whole new life was breathed into the music of his heart.

Growing up, Terry had many musical influences: Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Jethro Tull, Grand Funk Railroad, Cat Stevens and too many to include. It was in a chance to meet with Craig Chaquico, formerly of Jefferson Starship, that Terry found a new challenge musically, instrumental smooth jazz, ambient new age. Also a style of playing known as, "freehand" which Terry has mastered well.

Terry now says, all these are written somewhere, somehow in his music. He composes, records and performs his music. The songs all being musical journeys, all have heartfelt notes and spirit driven sounds. His concerts are an experience with the guitar and keyboards, as Terry also is the composer, performer and producer behind "Infusia:528" a music that features more the keyboard. A music for spirit, soul and body, a music that heals and soothes.

More on Terry, his music and outreach can be found at his main website: www.terryfancher.com
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