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Cyndi Cresswell Cook - Cloud

Indie Pop/Rock

United States

Band Description

Cyndi Cresswell Cook’s music could typically be labeled alternative rock or simply rock. In truth Cyndi’s music is neither; her music has its own genre, earmarked by poetry, passion, keyboards, guitars and percussion, used to create an entity that st

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Artist Biography

Cyndi Cresswell Cook grew up in a quaint little seaside town. Her father worked and her 
mother stayed home and baked. Despite this idyllic upbringing, thankfully, she managed to
become the bent and warped person that she is today. In fact, she almost felt sorry for her 
bewildered parents, as they watched their daughter roar, scream, and shimmy her way
through childhood.
     Cyndi started out as a comedienne in Boston. Some of her jokes have been
publlished in the Judy Brown series, She’s So Funny and Mom, this jokes for  you. Soon,
though, feeling the need to be even more expressive, she put her energy towards 
writing songs. Her first song was Chance of Rain and was soon followed by others. Her songs
are in a variety of genres: jazz, alternate rock, 50’s rock, pop, country, and other genres that
are uniquely her own.
      Cyndi caught a break when she won the January 2016 Academia Music Award
for Cloud, the video Cloud, the Zombie Wonderland video, and second place for Placebo Effect.
Another break came when her song, Zombie Wonderland, was picked up by Alan
Cross for his 2015 Christmas addition of his popular syndicated radio show, The 
Ongoing History of New Music ( episode 739). Afterwards, Alan Cross became her informal
mentor. She has been on his web-site three times so far with her songs: Meds, Zombie 
Wonderland, and Pre Op Mama in Striped Pajamas.

Press Release
Cyndi Cresswell Cook was a finalist in the American Songwriters Awards 2016. Her song, Cloud from the album of the same name reached #41 on  the FMQB chart. She is on the top 20 on Jango and XR radio stations. Cloud has also recently been picked up by Gravity One.

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