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Miranda Mixon - Twilight

Webpage: http://www.mirandamixon.com

Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA

Description: Music with meaning.

Press Release:
October 16, 2012

Digital MP3 release October 16, 2012 -- Seventeen-year-old singer/songwriter Miranda Mixon releases her first MP3 titled TWILIGHT. Available worldwide on Muve Music, iTunes Mexico, VerveLife, Rhapsody, MySpace Music, iTunes Asia, Zune, MediaNet, Amazon MP3, iHeartRadio, Spotify, Google Play, iTunes U.S., iTunes Latin America (incl. Brazil), iTunes Australia/N.Z., simfy, Amazon On Demand, iTunes Canada, Deezer, Nokia, eMusic, iTunes UK/European Union, iTunes Japan, Rdio.

The TWILIGHT movie’s main characters inspired this contemporary pop ballad. The song TWILIGHT tells the emotional story of falling in love, its difficulties, and the realization that “everything means nothing” without your soul mate.

Visit www.mirandamixon.com to listen and purchase the TWILIGHT song. For more information, contact Artist Manager Debra Mooradian (310) 780-9070.

Debra Mooradian Music is a Los Angeles-based songwriting, publishing and management company in the business of crafting, guiding and nurturing passionate artists in the entertainment fields.


I first picked up a guitar four years ago after attending a private concert near my hometown of Mobile, AL. 

Can you believe that singer-in-training was Taylor Swift?!!

It was then and there I decided I wanted to be just like my new idol. Grateful my parents supported my
singer/songwriter ambitions, I enrolled me in singing and guitar lessons. I dived right in and wrote my first song, “My Window.”

Four years later… I’ve never looked back!

I’ve performed for numerous charitable causes for St. Jude events, the American Cancer Society Relay for Life, and Camp SMILE.

I’ve also played at 2011's Bayfest Music Festival, and so fortunate to have won a 2010 Bayfest music scholarship. I was so honored to have won the Murphy Idol award and 2011’s “Geneva Festival on The Rivers” talent contest.

I have visited 95 KSJ's Dan and Shelby Show, and have been on WABB radio. I’ve also interviewed with WPMI Channel 15 and “Life in the Fastline” on WALA Fox 10.

It was so awesome to play with national recording artist Dennis "Finger Roll" Nelson and open for Sammy Kershaw at the 2011 Greater Gulf State Fair.

I am currently writing my first album, keeping busy with touring local venues, all the while finishing up my senior year of high school!

I hope you enjoy my first MP3 called TWILIGHT, which was inspired by the film’s main characters.

Thanks for listening! M

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